While in Jakarta last week I met with a RC priest who heard about our FOR LOVERS ONLY group and is interested in starting a program for his young married couples. He has around 100 young couples in his parish, and it seems they all need help! Changing culture has them confused and unequipped to cope with modern lifestyle in a Godly manner. I will meet with his planning team during my visit in July, and we tentatively plan for a retreat for 10 leader couples from the 5 major RC areas in Jakarta for November. If this goes as I hope, they will be able to develop their own program.
This is perfect because it will help the church to establish community that has been largely lost with the infusion of worldly values and culture and breakdown of family values over the past few decades.
The values decay has been less in Indonesia, but greatly accelerated since they only became open to these outside influences about 20 years ago. Before, there were strict censorship laws; movies, music and advertising were strictly controlled. One thing most of our terrorist enemies are right about is that we are exporting lots of evil stuff which destroys Godly values and culture!