Friday, February 9, 2007


Get ready for a flurry of photos and stories. News has been sparse the last few weeks, but that is about to change!

I am looking forward with great anticipation to the next two months. This weekend I spend in a mountain retreat with my group of disciples. This keeps me young, as they are all under 30, though a couple of the gals are rapidly approaching that magical age (it seems to be ‘old maid’ age here in Indonesia, as it seemed to be when I was young in America) and prayer requests include a life partner. The photo in Walking with Jesus blog is from the area. Lots of mountain trails, so if it’s not raining, we will be hiking.

The next weekend I preach in the morning Sunday and in the afternoon am on the plane for Bandung, a city about three or four hours out of Jakarta in the mountains. There, I have three days teaching six hours a day on the Holy Spirit to students in a School of Missions. This is my favorite topic, and will be the fifth (I think) year I have taught. Every time something different, but something spectacular happens with the students. Last year, when I started teaching on the final day, the Holy Spirit himself showed up and people started falling out of their seats, some laughing, rolling around on the floor (now I know why they were called ‘holy rollers’ when I was young), others sitting or laying on the floor quietly, and all kinds of in between. There were dancers, there were swimmers . . . you need to have been there to understand, I think.

After that is Vertical Leap Seminar, a two-day event with about 70 key personnel of a furniture factory. I am in charge of the prayer team for the event. We are intercessors before, during, and after, and during the event we also pray for the participants individually. I would like to be a presenting Coach (title for leaders of this seminar imported from America see but it’s all in Indonesian, fast-moving and I am not ready with my Indonesian language skills.

Then I head for Jakarta where I take a group of 10 pastors and their wives on a retreat. Theme is ‘For Lovers Only.’ These are pastors from smaller, poorer churches, and I hope to encourage and refresh them.
Directly from Jakarta without going home to repack, I head for Honolulu and then Las Vegas, where Maile awaits (with other grandparents, cousins and such also in line for an audience).

Back here a week, then off to the Philippines.

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