Saturday, December 16, 2006


Dream Maker: Enabling Realization of DreamsSome basic aspects to the work of a Dream Maker:

1. To help people realize (become aware of) dreams that lie dormant inside of them. Many people have dreams lying dormant inside, but for a variety of reasons are unaware of these dreams. Maybe they have been told they are worthless and will never accomplish anything, and they believed it. Maybe they are afraid to fail, so afraid to dream. Maybe they think dreams are just fiction movies we see inside our brains. Maybe they . . . and on and on, reasons why people do not get in touch with dreams God has planted inside. Dreams intended by God to become reality.

2. To help people realize (become aware of) dreams that they want to adopt as their own. Martin Luther King said "I have a dream" and through these words, people today are still picking up this same dream, planted by the words of a man long since passed away. So a Dream Maker speaks dreams into people, sometimes consciously (preferably) but sometimes without being aware of it. In Charismatic and Pentecostal circles some call this speaking prophetically into a person.

3. To help people realize (have dream become reality) their dreams. In my case, I focus on education. MY VISION is a separate posting, but education in a variety of ways.

a. Education about who they are in Christ: Philippians 4:13 - I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me! WALKING WITH JESUS Seminars are one vehicle for this.

b. Through scholarships to enable to attend school those who otherwise cannot. I have a scholarship program in the Philippines, and am beginning one in Indonesia. These are for high school and college.

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